Monday, February 28, 2011

negative space-swan

(oops, I thought I already posted this...)
 This was the same assignment as the silhouette of myself, but we were instructed to also make one of an object or animal. I chose a swan because I thought it would be cool to incorporate textures of feathers and water into the design. I chose to stick to mostly black and white and grays in order to keep it more simple and not distract from the design. I thought this was a cool assignment and am happy with how it turned out.

Negative space-silhouette

This assignment was the same as the assignment for the swan design. We were assigned to do one negative space silhouette of ourselves, and one of an object or animal. For the one of myself, I picked different textures of fabric to fill my silhouette with, and a picture of cherry tree blossoms to fill the tree with. Overall, I am satisfied with how this came out, but I think I like the design and layout of the swan one better.

Friday, February 18, 2011


For this project, we had to put together parts of different animals together to create a new animal. I put together a panda head, a penguin body, duck feet, and butterfly wings, to create a "pandaguin." I used multiple layers and new tools like the refine edge tool, and replaced parts of the image using content-aware replacement. I think it was a fun and creative project, and I am content with my result.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

15 Green Things

For this project, we were given 15 images of the same size and color (green), and were assigned to manipulate their color, size, shape, opacity, etc. to create a new image.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Music Project #2

This is another image I created using the same original music images we were given for the project. For this one, I chose a different background and colored the music notes. I made the music notes stand out more by putting a black one behind each of them. I also used different sizes and opacities for the people and music notes. I like the first image I created better, but thought I would publish both anyway.

Music Project

For this project, we were given images which we manipulated using different layers, colors, and transformations to create a variation of the original. I didn't change the colors of the people or the music notes because I wanted the people to look like shadows, which is why I changed their opacities. I am overall more satisfied with this image than the other one I made.